"The National League needs to join the 21st century," Steinbrenner said. "I've got my pitchers running the bases, and one of them gets hurt. That was a rule from the 1800s."
Actually it was 1973 Hank, and I don't think that just because you are ranting and raving the National League is going to suddenly change their rules.
No offense intended to Wang, but maybe if he learned how to run the bases he wouldn't have gotten hurt. The NL seems to have gotten along just fine with their pitchers hitting and running over the past 35 years.
Maybe if you had given the $200 million you are spending on your team this year to the right players you'd be in first place, not languishing behind the Tampa Bay Rays and Boston Red Sox.
Grow up Hank (seriously, have you ever seen such a dour man?). And take a lesson from daddy. He was much better at hawking his team than you'll ever be.
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