Monday, June 2, 2008

Maybe the Apocalypse is near ...

OK, so when I first heard Clay Aiken -- or as Kathy Griffin likes to call him, "Gaykin" -- was going to be a dad, I was more than a little bit shocked. But then I calmed down when I heard he had artificially inseminated his 50-year-old "best" friend and record producer Jaymes Foster.

I don't know. Something just doesn't seem right about him being a daddy, but to each his own I guess. It just seems to be one of the strangest celebrity births in a while, if not ever. Reports say Aiken impregnated Jaymes via the turkey baster method -- ewwwww! -- and she will have a little American Idolette running around by August.

Apparently it's a boy. Go figure.

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