Big Brother is down to the final four (Ryan, Sheila, Sharon and Adam), Ozzie was eliminated from Survivor (stupidly, he didn't use the immunity idol), and American Idol is down to the final six after Kristy Lee Cook was voted off last week.
We'll keep this short and sweet with my predictions:
Big Brother: Adam is voted off this week after losing the POV, leaving Ryan, Sheila and Sharon in the final three. I predict Ryan will win.
Survivor: Fans vs. Favorites has been pretty good. With Ozzie being backdoored last week, the women are definitely in charge. Cirie seems to be running things (I really don't like her). If James can hang on a couple of weeks, I think he has a shot. But watch out for Cirie. She's devious.
American Idol: David Archuleta, David Cook or Carly Smithson will win. My pick remains David Archuleta. He's just so damn cute.
Until next time ...
Ryan photo courtesy CBS
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