For those who don't know, k.d. was the dalmatian Ed and I owned before we got Bailey and Dexter. When she was 5, a nasty cancer attacked her and killed her, all within a matter of a few weeks. I don't ever want to go through that again. We bought her at a pet store, and we think that had a lot to do with her becoming so ill. Never, NEVER buy a pet from a pet store. Bad, bad news.
The vet says Bailey is just fine, very healthy, and that we can look forward to more fatty deposits as she gets older. Fine by me, as long as she lives about another 8-10 years...
*Update: Had to take Bailey back to the vet yesterday (May 28) because she was having a few "female issues." An antibiotic and some estrogen were prescribed, so she should be good to go in about 10 days. Been giving her some Glucosamine too. I think some arthritis might be settling in her back legs...
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