This season has to be one of the best ever. Evil Dick is a riot, and I hope he and his daughter Danielle are able to patch things up and get close again.
As Head of Household this week, Evil Dick has set his sights on Kail (she lied to him) and the very weird Jen (a maniupulator who has to be blonde under all that black hair). Jen has to go. If I see one more of her shirts -- Jensa Member, Jenius, you get the idea -- I'm going to puke.
Thank God gay Joe is gone. That queen was a disaster in the making. He made his bed, and now he's sleeping in it, hopefully alone. To attack his former boyfriend, the HOT Dustin, and accuse him of giving him VD -- now that was just stupid.
The other really hot ones -- and my personal favorites -- are Eric (America's Player) and Nick (pictured), who has shown a bit of his gayness at times.
Let's hope whoever wins the Power of Veto this week does the right thing and doesn't eliminate either of the two currently on the block.
More updates to come...
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