Angie and muscle boy Jessie were on the block last week, and by an 8-0 vote, Angie was evicted. But when April won HOH this week, she put Jessie back on the block along with Memphis. They are probably the strongest players in the game, but barring a Power of Veto victory, one of these two will be going home Thursday.
Speaking of Jessie: Dude, don't be such an ass. You might not be on the block again if you weren't so intimidating and arrogant. And, might you be hiding something?
A word of advice to Dan, who was selected America's Player: Subtlety works wonders. You were coasting along under the radar, but now that America wants you to do their dirty work, don't be so obvious. Libra and April have already figured out that something's wrong, with both of them wondering if Dan is indeed America's Player.
Should be an interesting week...
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