Julie Chen introduced this season's cast of Big Brother 10 last night, and it looks like it's going to be a fun season. It's supposed to be a season like the first two, with everybody who walked into the house total strangers.
I already have people I like and hate -- please vote Renny off this week and keep muscle-boy Jessie. Jessie might not be very smart -- giving up a chance to win a car, though to his credit, he had no idea there was a car involved, then getting into an argument with the aforementioned Renny, who has already annoyed pretty much everybody in the house. She's overbearing and not very friendly.
They already have an HOH, 75-year-old Jerry, who had to nominate two people within 24 hours of moving in. He was elected HOH before anybody walked in the house. People had to look at a board and just choose. Jerry's a nice guy who's pretty smart about the game. I hope his age doesn't get in the way.
I also like gay rodeo star Steven, who has not told anybody about how much he likes guys. That should be interesting when that little secret pops out of the closet, especially with the house leaning, I think, a bit toward the conservative side.
About three months of guilty pleasure, until The Amazing Race and Survivor return. Then it'll be time for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
And we start all over again ...
Julie Chen photo courtesy CBS
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