The Fans vs. Favorites theme is gone now, with both teams split up with 4 of each team. Joel was first pissed off because he ended up being Chet's teammate again. It didn't help matters when they were paired up in the reward challenge either. I kind of liked him until he turned into a bully, dragging Chet around like a rag doll on an obstacle course just to get a little meat in his belly. Then his campaign to get Chet voted out just pissed everybody else off.
Adios amigo.

I do believe the right people were voted off. The guys are much better this year, and even better now that Wham! wannabe Luke is gone. And gay boy Danny Noriega. Danny boy, if you weren't so flamboyant I probably would have liked you a lot better. Girl, you need to butch it up a little.
As for Kady and Asia'h, the girls were, as Simon Cowell said, "forgettable."
Finally, Big Brother 9 just got a lot more interesting too. It's now one-on-one after they split up the couples. As Allison and Ryan were heading out the door after being voted off, the siren went off in the house and Julie announced the new format to everybody. And then announced that the house would be voting live to evict either Allison or Ryan. The words everybody hates to hear came out of Julie's mouth: "By a vote of 6-0, Allison, you have been voted out of the Big Brother house." Buh-bye.
Danny Noriega photo courtesy Fox
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