Just when everybody thought America's Player, Eric, would be voted out of the house, WHAM! It's Kail, leaving Dick and Danielle befuddled about another vote that went astray. Thanks Dustin!
Serves them right. They don't know the whole story about Eric, and shame on the person who flew over the house with the banner last week. And shame on Amber for going off on Eric. Sure, it was wrong of Eric to betray a confidence of hers to Dick, but for her to stand there and say she's never lied in the house, when it was her who planted the idea of back-dooring Nick (yum ... sorry) is just so hypocritical.
So now it's up to Jessica, the new Head of Household, to stir things up. Hopefully she'll put one of these people up for eviction, in order of preference: Zach, Jen, Dick, Danielle. It should be a good week.
Jessica photo courtesy CBS
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